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FAQ and Contact Info

  • When should I start wearing the Posthorax vest?
    You should have wear the vest as soon as possible in after your operation. Idealy it would be put on during the hospital stay.
  • How long should I wear the Posthorax vest?
    The Posthorax vest should be worn for 6 to 8 weeks, day and night, until the bone has fully healed.
  • Do I have to wear the Posthorax vest at night?
    Yes, it is important to keep the sternum safe from unexpected coughs or sneezes.
  • Can I wash the Posthorax vest?
    Yes, the Posthorax vest can be washed at home on low settings and dried on low settings. It is important not to wash it on hot settings!

Contact us

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Direct Contact Info

Phone: 407-505-9357

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